Q&A Session

  • If you have any inquiries about our guardianship services, please email us at: vanguarduk@hotmail.com or call: 0044-7436468048 to reach our team.

    1.Is there anyone to pick up and drop off the child upon arrival in the UK?
    Answer: After thorough preparation and over 10 hours of long-distance flight, the child successfully arrived at the UK airport. Vanguard UK Guardianship  has its own carefully selected and experienced driver team, which can arrange airport transfers across the UK. We will safely transport our supervised students to schools, homestays, or designated locations.

    2.What should I do if my child falls ill at school?
    Answer: Your child will be registered with a doctor in the local national medical service system of your school. If your child falls ill, the doctor will take care of them, which is free even if they are admitted to the hospital. In the event of a serious illness or injury, we will contact you and keep you informed of your child's condition at any time. All schools have school doctors and medical centers to meet the daily needs of taking care of children.

    3.Who should I contact in case of an emergency?
    Answer: Vanguard UK Guardianship has a 24-hour emergency contact phone number (to be determined). We will have senior administrative personnel from our company take over to ensure the best care for our children at all times. We can remotely connect to our company's database and receive emails.

    4.If the parents themselves are in the UK, will their children still need to stay with a homestay?
    Answer: No, if you want your child to stay with you during the holiday, just notify us in advance to cancel the homestay.

    5.Can I replace a homestay if the child doesn't like it?
    Answer: The host families under Vanguard UK Guardianship are carefully reviewed and selected for each child. The food and accommodation conditions must meet certain standards. If the child or parent is not satisfied with the arranged family, we will immediately respond and coordinate the replacement to ensure that the parent is 100% satisfied.

    6.What if I want to terminate my contract with Pioneer Guardianship?
    Answer: You only need to notify us in writing one semester in advance, and we will refund the remaining fees and reserve funds in full.